Entrepreneurs and business owners value data. Statistics, analytics, and insights help making better decisions and improving revenue. In subscription-based businesses, especially those on a recurring schedule, measuring performance is necessary for growth and success.

Entrepreneurs running subscription-based businesses on Telegram have powerful Telegram Analytics and Telegram Stats tools to understand their groups and channels. With Telegram’s built-in statistics dashboards and InviteMember’s web dashboards and exportable data, owners can get an even clearer view of their Telegram assets at any time.

How Can I Use Telegram Channels Analytics Feature?

One reason Telegram is a top platform for content creators is that its Channels and Groups have built-in analytics tools and statistics dashboards that let you monitor audience growth over time.

This feature is available for channels with more than 50 subscribers and groups with more than 500 members.

To access the dashboard:

  1. Open your channel or group settings.
  2. Select "Statistics."

The Statistics dashboard shows:

  • Total followers.
  • Percentage of subscribers with notifications enabled.
  • Views and shares per post.
  • Growth graphs for a chosen time period.
  • Data on followers who joined or left, notification changes, hourly views, and more.

How Can I Check My Telegram Group Analytics?

Just like channels, Telegram groups have their own detailed Telegram Stats dashboards. Access Group Statistics by:

  1. Opening your group’s settings.
  2. Selecting "Statistics."

The dashboard shows:

  • Number of members.
  • Messages shared.
  • Members who view and post.
  • Growth and performance graphs over time.
  • Peak activity times, top languages, and top participants.

Like channel stats, group stats require at least 500 members. They may not be available on all Telegram versions yet, but if you have the latest Android or iOS app, you should find these analytics features.

How Can I Get My Telegram Subscription Business Data?

If you run a subscription-based business on Telegram using InviteMember, you should look at your data often. This helps you check when payments happen, see each subscriber’s status, and find user and subscription IDs. By doing this, you get a clearer idea of how your business is doing.

CSV Files

You can export data anytime:

  1. Open your project's main menu in the InviteMember bot.
  2. Select "Telegram bot."
  3. Press "Export data (CSV)."

You will get 4 CSV files:

  • users.csv:Contains basic user information (when they started the bot, their Telegram ID, name, email, subscription status, and affiliate info if any).
  • payments.csv:Lists all non-recurring payments (date, user info, plan, period, amount, currency, payment method, payment processor ID, effect start/end dates, internal payment ID, and fees).
  • subscriptions.csv:Details all subscriptions (start date, subscriber info, plan, billing cycle, amount, currency, payment method, payment processor ID, subscription status, and internal subscription ID).
  • recurring-payments.csv:Shows all recurring payments (date, payer info, plan, amount, currency, payment method, payment processor ID, internal payment ID, internal subscription ID, and fees).

Because these CSV files are in a simple, standardized format, you can easily sort, filter, and analyze them with any spreadsheet tool like Numbers, Google Sheets, or Excel.

Web Dashboards

InviteMember’s Web Dashboard provides detailed Telegram Analytics and Telegram Stats for your bot’s users, sales, and subscription history. To access it:

  1. Press "My Bots" in @InviteMemberBot.
  2. Select your project.
  3. Click "Dashboard."

In the Web Dashboard, you can view:

  • Comparison Charts Dashboard:You can change time ranges (all time, last 7 days, etc.) and compare different periods to identify growth or decline. You can also filter by payment source (Stripe, PayPal, Skrill, etc.).
  • Users Lists:See detailed lists of:
    • All Users: Everyone who ever started your bot.
    • Leads: Users who started but have not subscribed.
    • Customers: Active subscribers.
    • Churned: Former subscribers who are no longer active.
  • Sales:View all sales details, including:These lists show values, currencies, plan names, customer names, payment methods, subscription statuses, and payment dates. You can search data using the top search icon. If you have multiple projects, switch between them using the top right-corner menu.
    • One-time payments.
    • Subscriptions.
    • Recurring payments

For more information about the built-in statistics for Telegram groups and channels, check out Telegram’s official articles on Telegram Channel Stats and Telegram Group Stats.


By carefully tracking statistics, analytics, and insights, business owners can make informed decisions, improve performance, and fuel growth. This is especially important for those running subscription-based businesses on Telegram, where understanding your audience’s behavior and customer satisfaction levels directly impacts revenue and long-term success.

With Telegram analytics and, plus InviteMember’s web dashboards and exportable data files, you can gain a clear, real-time view of your group and channel metrics. This data empowers you to monitor audience growth, analyze engagement, and optimize your subscription-based business strategy—all with just a few clicks.