Sure, Telegram's great for messaging. But sometimes, you need a bit of space in your contact list.

Whether it's an annoying ex, a spammy stranger, or just someone you don't vibe with anymore... let's learn how to ditch those digital connections.

Deleting Telegram Contacts – Out of Sight, Out of Mind

When someone disappears from your Telegram contacts, it's basically like they never existed.

They won't be able to message you (unless your privacy settings allow it), and you won't see them online anymore. Here's the step-by-step:

  1. Open your Telegram app and tap the hamburger icon (three lines) in the top-left corner and choose “Contacts”. Or, if in iOS, directly press the Contacts icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Find the contact you want to delete and long tap on their name.
  3. You can select multiple contacts at once if you're doing a clean-up.
  4. Hit the garbage bin icon on the top right to delete the contacts. You'll get a confirmation pop-up, just in case.
Deleting contacts in Telegram
Deleting contacts in Telegram

Clearing Out Chats – Ditch the Conversation

Sometimes deleting a contact isn't enough. If you want an entire conversation gone, here's the process:

  1. Open the Telegram chat you want to delete.
  2. Tap the three dots icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Choose "Delete chat".
  4. You'll see a confirmation pop-up. Importantly, they give you a choice: delete the chat history just for yourself, or for both you and the other person. Choose wisely!
Delete chats in Telegram
Delete chats in Telegram

Blocking in Telegram – The Ultimate Ghosting

Sometimes you need more than just deletion. Blocking takes it to the next level. Here's what happens when you block someone on Telegram:

  • They Can't Contact You: No messages, no calls. It's like you vanished for them.
  • You Won't See Them: They won't show in shared groups, and their profile info is hidden.
    1. Open the Telegram chat of the user that you want to block.
    2. Tap on their profile picture or name at the top of the chat.
    3. Tap on the three dots icon on the top right corner of their profile.
    4. Choose "Block user". You'll get a confirmation pop-up.

How to Do It: Here's the step-by-step:

Blocking contacts in Telegram
Blocking contacts in Telegram

Telegram Safety – It's More Than Just Blocking

Blocking and deleting are handy, but true privacy means being proactive. Here are some extra tips:

  • Watch What You Share: Don't reveal sensitive info in public channels or to people you don't trust.
  • Secret Chats: Use those for discussions you want extra-encrypted and set messages to self-destruct.
  • Report and Repeat: If someone's harassing you, report them to Telegram AND block them.

Wrapping It Up – Your Digital Space, Your Choice

Don't be afraid to curate your Telegram experience! Whether it's getting rid of unwanted contacts or using those block and report features, you have the tools to create a positive and safe space for yourself on the app.