Messaging apps have revolutionized the way businesses communicate with their customers. With the ability to send updates and reminders, deliver valuable content, and even monetize it, messaging apps have become an essential tool for subscription-based business models in particular. In this article, we will compare two popular messaging apps, WhatsApp and Telegram, to help you choose the best platform for your subscription management needs.

But why use a messaging app like WhatsApp or Telegram for subscription management, in the first place? Well, it's crucial for subscription-based businesses to consider a mobile-first platform when delivering content. With nearly everyone constantly on their phones, having an easily accessible platform, that is probably already installed on millions of mobile devices worldwide, can make a significant difference in the business's success.

Before we dive into the comparison, let's take a brief overview of what each platform has to offer.

WhatsApp for Subscription Businesses

WhatsApp was launched in 2009 and has since become one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over two billion active users. With so many people using the app globally, WhatsApp has become a go-to option for businesses looking to connect with their customers.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using WhatsApp for your subscription business:

Pros of using WhatsApp:

  1. Large User Base: With over 2 billion active users worldwide, WhatsApp provides a massive audience to reach out to.
  2. Customer Support: Individuals and small businesses can manage conversations with customers through a branded WhatsApp Business account.
  3. Business Platform: Medium and big businesses can submit for using the WhatsApp API for scaling your customer support.
  4. End-to-End Encryption: WhatsApp boasts end-to-end encryption, which ensures secure communication between businesses and subscribers.

Cons of using WhatsApp:

  1. Limited Capabilities: Its features grow slowly with time and have shown a tendency to emulate Telegram. In 2023, the app still lacks something similar to Telegram channels.
  2. No Subscription Management Features: The app does not have specific subscription management features. In-app monetization would require a lot of expensive coding.
  3. No Monetization Features: WhatsApp does not offer any built-in monetization features, and achieving this would require a lot of expensive coding.

In conclusion, while WhatsApp's massive user base and multimedia support make it an attractive option for subscription-based businesses, its limited broadcast capabilities and lack of subscription management and monetization features can be significant drawbacks.

Telegram for Subscription Businesses

Since its launch in 2013, Telegram has grown rapidly and shows no signs of slowing down. It prioritizes speed and security while offering an extensive list of features that keeps growing with time. Best of all, Telegram apps, being open source, allow for the creation of bots to help you run your business!

Here are some pros and cons of using Telegram for subscription-based businesses:

Pros of using Telegram:

  1. Growing User Base: Telegram's user base has been rapidly growing, reaching 700 million monthly active users in June 2022, and surpassing almost a billion today.
  2. Robust Features: Telegram offers a wide range of unique features, including bots, channels, unlimited groups, and more, making it a versatile communication platform for businesses and subscribers.
  3. Open Platform: Telegram is an open-source platform, allowing for the creation of custom software, like InviteMember, to manage and monetize subscription services.
  4. In-App Monetization: Like WhatsApp, Telegram doesn't have an integrated payment system. However, it allows anyone to integrate payment processor provider services.

Cons of using Telegram:

  1. Lesser Known than WhatsApp: Telegram has a smaller user base compared to WhatsApp, meaning it’s currently installed on a few million fewer devices around the world.
  2. Limited Customer Support Features: It does not have a dedicated customer support feature like WhatsApp Business, but there are third-party apps, like SUCH, that do this seamlessly.
  3. Less Familiar to Users: Like with any other new technological application, as Telegram is less well-known, some users may be less likely to download or use the app for business purposes.

Overall, Telegram's growing user base and versatile built-in, and third-party, features make it an attractive option for businesses and individuals alike. While it may have a different user base, its unique advantages can definitively help subscription business owners boost their incomes.

WhatsApp vs. Telegram for Subscription Management

Looking at the features, user experience, and scalability of both messaging apps will help you make an informed decision on which platform is best suited for your particular subscription-based business needs.

Features Comparison

When it comes to subscription management, both WhatsApp and Telegram have their advantages and drawbacks.

WhatsApp's main selling point is its massive user base, which makes it a great platform for reaching a vast audience quickly. However, its lack of broadcast, membership management, and in-app monetization capabilities, can be a significant disadvantage.

Telegram, on the other hand, has a smaller but rapidly growing user base and a wide range of features that make it an attractive option for subscription-based businesses. Telegram's open-source platform allows for the creation of custom software to manage and monetize subscription services, and it offers in-app monetization features through third-party payment processor providers. However, it also lacks built-in customer support features and may be less familiar to some users.

User Experience Comparison

Both WhatsApp and Telegram provide a user-friendly experience, with intuitive interfaces and easy-to-use features. However, Telegram's range of features can make it a bit overwhelming for new users, while WhatsApp's simplicity may feel limiting to those looking for more advanced capabilities.

Scalability Comparison

For businesses looking to scale their subscription services, both WhatsApp and Telegram have options available. WhatsApp offers an API for medium and big businesses to scale their customer support, while Telegram's open platform allows for the creation of custom software to manage and monetize subscription services.


After discussing the pros and cons of using WhatsApp and Telegram for subscription management, let's summarize the key takeaways.

WhatsApp is a popular messaging app used by millions of people worldwide. It is user-friendly, has end-to-end encryption, and offers features such as multimedia sharing, voice and video calls, and group chats. However, WhatsApp's subscription management capabilities are limited, and it may not be the best choice for businesses that require more advanced features such as recurring billing and membership management.

On the other hand, Telegram powered by InviteMember can become one of the more robust subscription management platforms. It allows users to create a paywall for private groups and channels, offers bot branding, and provides tools for membership management, including recurring subscriptions and membership tiers. However, Telegram's user base is still smaller compared to WhatsApp.

The winner

Based on the comparison above, Telegram can be the best platform for subscription management. InviteMember allows the app to offer more advanced features for businesses that require subscription management, including recurring billing and membership management. Additionally, Telegram's bots allow for customization, making it easier for branding and marketing.

Don't let your business suffer due to the wrong platform choice. If Telegram is your best choice, and you're looking for a platform that can handle your subscription-based business, you should visit now and start your membership project for free!