Adding a blue tick emoji to your Telegram chats can be a fun way to personalize your messages or play a joke on friends. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create and use custom emojis.

Note, Telegram Premium is required to create custom emojis or to place custom emojis on Telegram. You can use pre-made emojis packs, like the Verification Emoji Pack to add a blue tick emoji next to your name easily.

Method 1: Using Pre-Made Emoji Packs

custom telegram emojis
  1. Install the Verification Emoji Pack
    • Add the Emoji Pack: Follow this link and click “Add Emoji.”
    • Open the Pack in Telegram: Click the “Add” button within Telegram.
  2. Add Emoji to Username
    • Set Emoji Status: Use the "Set Emoji Status" button as described above.
    • Select Emoji: Choose your preferred blue tick emoji from the Verification Emoji Pack.
verify on Telegram

Method 2: Using the Settings Menu

  1. Open Settings
    • Navigate to Settings: Tap the three lines in the top left corner of your Telegram home screen, then tap Settings > Premium.
  2. Set Emoji Status
    • Set Emoji Status: Find the "Set Emoji Status" option and choose your blue tick emoji.
Telegram verification

Method 3: Using the Stickers Bot

  1. Prepare Your Blue Tick Emoji
    • Design Your Emoji: Use graphic design tools like Canva or GIMP.
    • Format: PNG or WebP.
    • Size: Ensure the image is 100x100 pixels.
  2. Upload Your Emoji
    • Open Telegram: On your computer or web version.
    • Search for the Stickers Bot: @stickers.
    • Start a Chat: Send "/newemojipack" and choose "Static emoji."
    • Follow the Bot Instructions: Name your collection and upload your blue tick image.
    • Assign an Existing Emoji: Link your custom image for easy use.
    • Publish Your Set: Send /publish.
  3. Add Emoji to Username
    • Set Emoji Status: On the computer, the button is next to the search bar; on mobile, it’s in the left-hand menu.
    • Select Emoji: Navigate to your custom emoji pack and select the blue tick emoji. For detailed information on how to create a custom emoji pack, check out this guide: Custom Emojis in Telegram.


Adding a blue tick emoji to your Telegram username is a good way to validate your presence in Telegram. With Telegram Premium, you can easily create and share unique emojis, adding a personal touch to your Telegram experience and entertaining your friends.

If you want to learn about real Telegram account verifications, check out this article: Guide to Telegram Verification.