When someone new joins your Telegram group or channel, they want to find good content and feel like they belong. A good welcome message makes them feel comfortable and can even turn them into paying customers.
Welcoming new members is key to building a strong community, especially if you have a subscription service. This article will show you how to create the best welcome experience for both free and paid members on your Telegram groups and channels.
Enhancing the Welcome Experience for Paid Subscribers
InviteMember takes Telegram's welcome capabilities to the next level. By integrating a Telegram bot as a storefront for your VIP/paid groups and channels, you can create a more streamlined and engaging onboarding experience for new customers. Welcome messages in InviteMember subscription bots are used to describe the benefits they'll get, and help new members go through the initial stages of joining your business.
Here's how InviteMember can enhance your welcome experience:
- Bot Customization: With InviteMember, you can make your subscription bot a seamless part of your brand by customizing its appearance and messaging. Like a regular Telegram account, group, or channel, you can set a display picture and a description for your bot. The bot description appears before users start interacting with it, serving as an introduction to your project. To set a bot description, simply send /setdescription to @BotFather.
After the bot is launched, you can use InviteMember to add a project description, with detailed information about your subscription service. This can highlight the benefits of joining, guide users through the onboarding process, or share other key details, ensuring a professional experience from the first interaction. All you need to do is:
- Open your Project Menu in InviteMemberBot.
- Select Edit Bot.
- Select Edit Description, and enter the information you want to appear in your description.
- Custom Bot Commands: You can also create custom commands for your membership bot that provide new members instant access to key information and resources. For example, the /welcome command could trigger a personalized welcome message for new users, while a /help command could provide links to FAQs or support channels. This empowers new members to find the information they need quickly and easily.
- Streamlined Subscription Onboarding: InviteMember makes subscribing simple. New members can manage everything in one place – payments, plans, and account details. This smooth process helps more people join.
- Project Descriptions: Give a short summary of your membership. Highlight what makes it special and why people should join.
- Plan Descriptions: Explain each membership option. Include prices, what's included, and how long it lasts. This helps people choose the best plan for them.
- Resource Descriptions: Describe the special content or services members get. Show them the value they receive by joining.
Level Up Your Welcoming Experience with a Free Landing Page
InviteMember automatically creates a special landing page for each of your paid projects. Think of this page as an extended “welcome message” that visitors see before they join your Telegram community. It helps them understand what you offer, why it’s valuable, and how to join.
Key Benefits:
- Ready to Go from the Start:As soon as you set up a paid project, InviteMember gives you a landing page—no extra work is needed. This page works like a friendly introduction that people can view even before they open Telegram.
- Easy-to-Understand Overview:The landing page shows your business’s name, logo, and a short description. This helps visitors quickly learn what your community is about.
- Clear Pricing and Plans:Your membership options appear side-by-side, so visitors can easily compare what each plan includes and how much it costs.
- Smooth Sign-Up Process:When someone is ready to subscribe, the landing page sends them straight to your Telegram resources, making the process simple and clear. This saves time and makes joining feel natural.
- Works Great on Mobile:Many people use Telegram on their phones. The InviteMember landing page looks good on any device, ensuring a positive, welcoming first impression no matter how visitors find you.
InviteMember landing pages are like a friendly, helpful guide that introduces your community, explains its value, and leads new members right to the door. By doing this before they enter your Telegram group, you set a welcoming, professional tone that encourages them to take the next step.
Advanced Welcome Strategies
Beyond the basics, InviteMember offers a range of advanced features to create truly dynamic and engaging welcome experiences. Here are some strategies to take your onboarding to the next level:
- Broadcasts: Utilize InviteMember's broadcast functionality to send targeted messages to your bot users. This allows you to highlight specific resources, upcoming events, or exclusive offers tailored to their interests or subscription levels.
- Pinned Messages: Pin a welcome message in your group or channel that includes essential information for new members, such as links to FAQs, community guidelines, or introductory resources. You can also include a call to action to encourage them to introduce themselves or explore specific content.
- Add Buttons with SUCH: InviteMember allows you to add buttons to channel posts using the SUCH command. This enables you to create interactive welcome messages that guide new members to different resources based on their interests or membership level.
- Free Trial Options and "Newcomer Only" Plans: Experiment with different membership models to attract new subscribers. Offer free trials to give potential members a taste of your community, or create "Newcomer Only" plans with special pricing or benefits to incentivize joining.
- Coupons with Stripe: Integrate Stripe with InviteMember to offer coupons and discounts to new members. This can be a powerful incentive to join your community and enhance their welcome experience.
Welcoming Non-Paid Members
Even if some visitors start as non-paying members, creating a welcoming environment from day one helps them understand your community’s unique value. By guiding new arrivals with clear introductions, easy-to-find resources, and friendly engagement, you can nurture their interest. Over time, these non-paid members will better appreciate your content, building trust and curiosity that can lead them toward a paid membership.
Pinning Posts in Public Groups and Channels
When new members arrive in your public group or channel, they may not know where to begin. Pinning a welcome post at the top of the chat helps guide them:
- Introduce Your Community: A pinned welcome message can quickly explain your group’s purpose, share basic rules, and highlight the value that more dedicated (paid) members enjoy.
- Link Important Resources: Include links to FAQs, guidelines, or sample content so newcomers can see a preview of what paid members receive.
- Call to Action: Encourage newcomers to say hello, ask questions, or explore specific parts of your community that showcase what they could gain from upgrading.
By keeping this welcome post visible, non-paid members can immediately grasp the potential benefits of joining at a higher level.
Set a Welcome Message for Empty Telegram Chats with Telegram Business
Telegram Business allows you to set a default welcome message that appears in any new chat. This is a simple way to greet people who message you for the first time, providing a friendly introduction or some essential information. Unlike InviteMember, Telegram Business can't be used for free, so keep in mind there will be a fee for using this feature.
Here’s how:
- Open Telegram Settings: Go to the main menu (☰) and select "Settings."
- Navigate to Telegram Business: In the Settings menu, find and tap on "Telegram Business.”
- Find "Greeting Messages": Scroll down the Business settings until you find the "Greeting Messages" and tap on it.
- Toggle Send Greeting Message to “On.” Then select Create a Greeting Message.
- Write Your Message: You'll see a text box where you can compose your welcome message. Keep it concise and friendly. You can include information like your name, your business or channel, or a brief description of what you offer.
- Save Your Message: Once you're happy with your message, tap on the checkmark (✓) in the top right corner to save it.
- Customize Your Schedule, Recipients, and Excluded Chats: These settings allow you to customize how your Greeting Message is sent.
When someone starts a new chat with you, they'll automatically receive this welcome message. While this feature is limited in terms of personalization and automation, it's a good starting point for creating a positive first impression.
Other Simple Welcome Methods
- Short, Friendly Introductions: Post occasional “welcome” notes when you see new members join, showing that your community is active, attentive, and worth investing in, there are some bots that can also automate welcome messages for your groups, like RoseBot.
- Community Guidelines as a Reference Point: Keep a short list of guidelines pinned or regularly available through a custom command or link so new members know how to interact positively. This sets the stage for the respectful and helpful environment paid subscribers enjoy.
A warm welcome can make all the difference in building a thriving Telegram community or business. By using InviteMember's powerful features, you can create a personalized and engaging onboarding experience that turns new subscribers into loyal members. Remember to keep your messages concise, informative, and friendly. Clearly state the purpose of your group or channel, provide clear instructions, and include a call to action to encourage engagement.
Ready to transform your Telegram welcome experience? Explore InviteMember's features and get started now.